
You Can Stop Listening to Classical Music

“Popular Science” posted a list of myths about the brain that a lot of people still think are true.  You probably know some of them . . . like that we don’t really just use 10% of our brains.  But here are four you might not know.


Myth #1.  Adults don’t produce new brain cells.  They thought it was true for 130 years, until a study in 1998 found we DO . . . in the part of the brain that helps store memories.  And a study last year found new cells in other parts of adult brains too.

Myth #2.  Listening to classical music makes you smarter.  A study in 1993 found it raised people’s I.Q.’s, but no one’s been able to replicate the results.  And a Harvard study in 1999 contradicted it.

Myth #3.  Some people are visual learners, and have to see something to remember it.  A recent survey found 96% of teachers think that’s the case.

But the truth is that while we do tend to have an easier time with certain subjects if there’s a visual, that’s true for ALL of us.  So the “visual learner” thing is just a myth.

Myth #4.  Drinking any amount of alcohol kills brain cells.  Drinking a LOT can, but even that doesn’t make a huge difference.  Researchers in Denmark recently looked at the brains of alcoholics, and they had the same number of brain cells as non-alcoholics.


So, you can top listening to this:

And if you’d like…do more of this:


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