Every year a group of five adults reunite for a highly competitive game of tag where they become a target for a whole month, but you can’t tag back the person who tagged you, and the last person tagged is stuck as “It” for the rest of the year.
Annabelle Wallis is a “Wall Street Journal” reporter who stumbles across their story when Ed Helms disrupts her interview to go after Jon Hamm. Isla Fisher plays Ed’s wife and the group is rounded out by Jake Johnson and Hannibal Buress.
They’re all going after Jeremy Renner HARD. He’s the only one in the group who’s still undefeated . . . and this year his wedding coincides with Tag Month. Leslie Bibb plays his bride. Rashida Jones is also in it.
The movie’s based on a true story, and “The Wall Street Journal” ran a 2013 article describing a Nordstrom executive who’d been playing for decades with his friends.
Jeremy broke both his arms while filming a stunt for this movie. He went on “The Tonight Show” recently and told Jimmy Fallon he fell while surfing a stack of chairs on the second day of filming. He broke his right elbow and left wrist.
“Incredibles 2“ (PG)
The sequel picks up with that scene at the end of the first movie where the family has to save the city from being destroyed by a throwaway villain called the Underminer. He’s played by John Ratzenberger, who’s kind of like the Stan Lee of Pixar cameos.
Unfortunately, being a superhero is still against the law, so they immediately get in trouble. The family is approached by tech company CEO Bob Odenkirk, who wants to help change public perception of heroes by recording Elastigirl in action.
That leaves Mr. Incredible at home playing Mr. Mom and struggling with Jack Jack growing into his powers while she’s out fighting crime. But then a real villain comes along that requires the whole family to work together again to save the day.
“Avengers” superstar Samuel L. Jackson is back as Frozone, Holly Hunter is Elastigirl, and Craig T. Nelson IS Mr. Incredible.
“Gotti“ (R)
John Travolta plays mob boss John Gotti, the guy who took over as the head of the Gambino crime family in the ’80s after he had his predecessor whacked.
Gotti’s nicknames included the Dapper Don because of his stylish suits, and then the Teflon Don because of how the Feds struggled to make any charges against him stick.
He was eventually brought down by Sammy Gravano, his second in command turned FBI informant. William DeMeo plays Gravano. You’ve seen him as Jason Molinaro on “The Sopranos” or as “Al Pacino” in Billy Crystal’s mob comedy “Analyze That”.
Travolta says the Gotti family personally asked him to play the part. He even got his wife Kelly Preston to be Victoria Gotti. A guy named Spencer Lofranco plays their son, John Gotti Jr. and it’s based on the son’s memoir, “Shadow of My Father“.