If you thought maybe the wheels were coming off BEN AFFLECK’s sobriety cart, you were right. And JENNIFER GARNER noticed, too. She went to […]
Times change, and so do movies. And it’s equal parts amusing and horrifying to go back and look at old […]
All the twitterpated binging Ahhhh, the spring. Flowers, love, sunshine, rain showers, and Red Dragon. Nothing says “bloom” like Ralph Fiennes […]
Sources are claiming that Khloe Kardashian bought 45,000 flowers for her baby shower including 12,000 carnations. What exactly does that […]
When you stayed home from school because you were sick, you probably watched “The Price Is Right”. It seems like […]
I told you that I’m a geek when it comes to the Academy Awards! With the 88th Academy Awards just […]
Well this is gonna cause some shockwaves through Nashville. Will this change your opinion of the divorce? According to In […]
Congrats to my friend Keith Stubbs for being spotlighted in this month’s issue of Utah Business. Read and enjoy! Utah […]
From Luke Hickman at The Reel Place: Absolutely flawless in every way, ‘Interstellar’ demands to be seen on the biggest […]