Could this be the end for The Rock or Tyrese?
At the moment things have gone south. Way south between Dwayne The Rock Johnson and Tyrese Gibson from The Fast and Furious franchise. There has been tension for quite some time but things have escalated.
Tyrese released a statement on his Instagram account.
“Hello world………. hello loyal fans and loved ones from OUR fast universe…….. I’m sorry to announce that if Dewayne is in Fast9 there will no more Roman Peirce – You mess with family and my daughters survival I mess with yours……… close your eyes dude you’re a “Clown”…… #CandyAssBitchMade All my real one…. Men on integrity… my real ones out here stand UP…… folks that GP to the gym and get big naturally #NoJuice #NoOJ”
From the looks of things this is going to be an issue for the franchise. If things don’t get resolved this could be the end for one of the two characters.
A few weeks back The Rock had this to say about Tyrese’s new album, and at the time we thought he was joking but I guess not.
*** Warning Language***
The feud goes back to drama that started when The Rock might have been in talks about doing a spin off of his character Luke Hobbs in the Fast Franchise. Tyrese had previously left a comment on one of The Rocks Instagram posts saying:
“If you move forward with that #Hobbs Movie you will have purposely ignored the heart to heart moment we had in my sprinter,” Gibson wrote at the time in a since-deleted comment on the picture. “I don’t wanna hear from you until you remember what we talked about. I’m on your timeline cause you’re not responding to my text messages – #FastFamily is just that a family…….. We don’t fly solo.”
and then another comment on another photo that have all been deleted since posting the comments.
“I have never and will never have a problem with this major movie star he’s my brother,” Gibson continued. “I’m simply trying to reach him cause he won’t call me back about this solo #HobbsMovie I want you to shoot it just not right now cause the #Fast9 release date has already been announced and we can’t let our loyal fans #FastFamily or our loyal fast and furious FANS down on any level from pushing the date…….. Didn’t you see how HUGE #Fast8 was? It’s because we announced and KEPT our release date bro.”
“We do this on behalf of the families, the cast, the crew member who have been down and loyal to us for 15 years…… Everyone matters,” he added. “When we shoot we all eat, we we show up as a FAMILY display our love, our funny stuff, our story lines and HEARTS in every frame…… Me and the cast laugh because it seems like #Fast is like a HOLIDAY at this point….. You [can’t] push the release date of a holiday bro… it’s tradition it’s fans that are LOYAL.”
We do hope they can get to a middle ground and get to work on the new film. The relase date for Fast 9 is April 10, 2020.
AND Fast 10 is also on the way at some point.
Where it all started.