I Had some time off so I took a ROAD TRIP to South Dakota
Between my busy radio schedule and my sound and DJ business plus the work me and my boys do with the Utah Grizzlies, I have very little time off to do anything. So when I have a free weekend I like to make the most of it. I like to see what is in driving distance and see something that I have never seen before. Last week I had a free weekend and headed to South Dakota to see one of Americas treasures. Mt. Rushmore and a few other sights along the way. Here are are a few pictures.
From Mt. Rushmore we headed back in the direction of home through parts of South Dakota and Wyoming and a couple of more stops along the way.
Sturgis. Tried to buy a T-Shirt, Shot Glass, anything. The lady at the gas station said son your about 10 weeks too late. This town is pretty much closed again until August.
The final stop before heading home. Devil’s Tower Wyoming