We lost a great person today
Jon M. Huntsman passed away today at the age of 80. According to KSL.com he had been battling with a painful inflammatory disorder called polymyalgia rheumatica. He also survived cancer 4 different times. Huntsman Sr. was always known for helping as mush as he could. In 2016 he and his wife Karen gave away $137 million to different charities.
I was lucky enough to have had an amazing conversation with him a month and a half ago. We talked for 15 minutes about what he loved to do the most. Which was help people in need- I was quite surprised at the empathy and go-getter attitude he had even at his age.
He will be miss by many, not just for his philanthropical personality but by so many that he taught and gave direction and guidance to. I was in the same room with him for 15 minutes but that was enough time to put new ideas about how we should all help people in need.