If you met Jeremy Renner at Salt Lake Comic Con Fan X last month, you already know he’s really charming and funny. Renner plays Hawkeye in the Avenger films, he’s played Jason Bourne. His biggest fan was 2 year old Kenzie Reese—the toddler apparently would just lose it when he’d show on screen during the Avengers films.
So, when her diagnosis from her pediatric cancer turned terminal in March, Dan Farr and Bryan Brandenburg from SL Comic Con got her family a meeting with Renner. Jeremy and Kenzi turned into Twitter buddies, he’d post pictures from their meeting, and even a cute photo of his daughter making a painting for Kenzie to cheer her up during her painful cancer treatments.
Kenzi passed away Tuesday morning, and her family wrote on Facebook, “There is no doubt that McKenzie is in a better place-pain free and truly healed from the cancer that has plagued her little body for too long.” After sending the news to Jeremy, he took to Twitter with his own tribute. Such a sad ending, but what a wonderful friendship. We love you, Kenzie.