
Beat Shazam is Looking for Contestants

We are currently looking for contestants nationwide for season 3 of Beat Shazam on Fox. Time to grab a spouse, relative, friend or co-worker and create the ultimate team of two with a wide range of music knowledge. You and your teammate could have a chance to compete for up to 1 million dollars!

We are also looking for the following specialty teams. If you fit any of the categories listed below please be sure to let our team know.

Grandparents or Grandparent/Grandkid, Military, Firefighters, Police Officers, EMT’s, Nurses, Truck Drivers, Coaches, Teachers, Wrestlers, Bodybuilders, Flight Attendants, Cheerleaders,  Pageant Queens, Choir Singers, Pastors, Nuns, Plumbers, Construction Workers, Mechanics, Hair Stylists/Barbers, Mail Men/Women, Bartenders, Taxi/Lyft/Uber Drivers, Bouncers/Security Guards, Musicians, Former Pro Athletes, Fitness Instructors/Trainers, Life Guards, Fraternity/Sorority, Monster Truck Drivers, Olympians, Long Distance Runners, Choreographers, Spotify Employees, DJs, Cowboys, Twins, Dancers, Chefs, Sports Fans,  Stay at Home Dads or Moms.

If you are interested in trying out please apply as soon as possible …


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